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Don’t Let Allergies Get the Best of You this Season

I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking Spring cannot come soon enough… especially after the unexpected, late season, blizzards! Spring brings longer days, budding flowers, sunshine and warmer weather. Along with the beautiful flowers, Spring also brings pollen and allergens! For some, these allergens can wreak havoc. If you’re someone who suffers from allergies, you might dread the Spring season. Seasonal allergies can cause a multitude of nagging symptoms including: Runny Nose, Itchy and/or Red Irritated Eyes, Stuffy Nose/Congestion, Sneezing, Scratchy Throat and Itchiness. If you suffer from any of the above, I’m here to tell you that there is a solution! Believe it or not, Acupuncture can help you to enjoy the Spring again!

So, you might be asking how can Acupuncture Help? Acupuncture relieves symptoms of allergies by diminishing the body’s inflammatory response, without the unwanted side effects. It helps to open nasal passages, reduces sinus pressure, calms itching, decreases throat pain, coughing and sneezing.

Here’s the catch… it’s always best to begin treatment before the season begins. It is better to prevent symptoms then try to tackle them when they are in full effect.

In addition to Acupuncture treatment, you can help yourself at home with these simple tips: Flush out allergens with a Neti pot, keep windows closed to prevent allergens from entering your home, try an air filter, vacuum and dust often to eliminate pollen in your home, eat local honey daily, take an omega-3 supplement, boost immunity by eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies and eliminate processed foods.

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